AAF Beers with Peers: With Special Guest Barry Chandler

09.27.2018 - 6pm-8pm

AAF Beers with Peers with special guest Barry Chandler

AAF Beers with Peers: With Special Guest Barry Chandler

Posted September 24, 2018 by Krista Sparks

Treat yourself and join AAF Columbus for a free networking happy hour at The Walrus. Meet and mingle with friends and our AAF special guest Barry Chandler, Co-founder of Storyforge.

You can bring a friend, colleague, or your boss (if you’re feeling lucky) to unwind and unpack the work day over a well-deserved beer.

Barry Chandler specializes in business building, brand strategy, and storytelling for the Columbus-based company, Storyforge. Since 2003 he has built 5 (and sold three) strategic consulting businesses and worked with more than 500 businesses from pre-revenue startups to publicly traded organizations to help them drive margins and identify a differentiated position and path to achieving their goals.